Still have questions about treatment for Opioid Addiction?
Want to speak to the Doctor before coming into the office to see if our programs work for you?
You can schedule a Telehealth Visit with the Dr. Lwin to go over your options for treatment or come into the office!
Please Note: We will not be able to prescribe or start you on any treatment protocols until you come into the office because NYS Law requires us running the required blood work, lab testing and other requirements, but you can meet the doctor and let her know how your feeling and discuss potential programs that would be suitable for you.
About Us
At "Help With Opioid Addiction New York (HWOANY)" we strive to provide each patient with individualized care and a treatment plan completely tailored and customers to each patient.
We know coming into an "addiction" clinic for some might have a "stigma". But we made sure our location is completely private and discreet so our patients can come get their treatments and medication and have full discretion.
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