Dr. Lwin graduated from the University of Medicine in 2008. She works in Brooklyn, NY and 3 other locations and specializes in Internal Medicine. Dr. Lwin is affiliated with The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Wykoff Medical Center and Long Island Community Hospital. She specializes in Addiction Medicine as well as being a General Practitioner.
She has a deep connection in fighting the opioid crisis and has been helping people of all ages and walks of life take back their lives from Opioids. She utilizes the latest treatments for fighting opioid addiction and will come up with a treatment plan specifically tailored for each patient who comes in.
She fights opioid addiction head on and her end goal is to help you live the normal and productive life that you were used to before your opioid addiction.
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*Telehealth Visits are solely to get an introduction and a possible treatment plan. No Medications can be pre-scribed without an office visit.
About Us
At "Help With Opioid Addiction New York (HWOANY)" we strive to provide each patient with individualized care and a treatment plan completely tailored and customers to each patient.
We know coming into an "addiction" clinic for some might have a "stigma". But we made sure our location is completely private and discreet so our patients can come get their treatments and medication and have full discretion.
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